Friday, May 16, 2008

I Cheated

So I wasn't going to check my weight for 2 weeks and then see how my diet had been going. Well I cheated and checked last night before kickball and to my surprise I had lost 4.8 pounds. Now I am scared to weigh myself again because I dont want to see that Ive put weight back on. Even though I know itll go up and down abit still.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sports Bucket

I read awhile back on about someones sports bucket list and thought that would be cool. So here is mine as I see it right now. I know some of these will most likely never happen but why not dream.

10. See a baseball game at every stadium. (Techincally this is more than one but its my blog and my list so its ok.)

9. AVP tour matches - I used to play volleyball in high school and really enjoyed back in the day. I would love to see the pros doing it in the sand.

8. Bull Run - Note that I would like to see it not be in it. Watching dumb people getting horns up their asses just sounds like fun.

7. Kentucky Derby - Get dressed up and get messed up.

6. Olympics - More specifically the track and field and gymnastic competitions. I also would want to see the swimming and diving events. I would go to the winter olympics too just for curling. Come on its curling how freaking cool would that be.

5. USC vs. Notre Dame in South Bend - Classic rivalry in a sweet ass place.

4. Danish Soccer Team Match - In the homeland of course. I wanna see what its like to be a soccer hooligan.

3. The Masters - This is the most likely to happen since my grandmother-in-law atleast lives in Augusta. If I have to explain this one you are retarded.

2. Final Four - March Madness is probably my favorite time of the year and to see the top 4 teams go at it would be amazing.

1. Super Bowl - Granted this one is easy but I really would only want to see it in person if the Redskins were in it.

Thats the list for now. It may change as time goes.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Thats what I did this past weekend and it was freakin sweet. Ive had a pretty hectic schedule the last few months and this weekend it all caught up to me and I didnt mind. The wife and I did go to the mall where she shopped and I walked around and did the married man at the mall duties. I held clothes and went and got her things that she wanted. I was rewarded for my duties that morning anyway so I had no complaints. Saturday night their was a dinner for the confirmation students Laura taught at church so we had ham and pototos because thats what good Lutherans do. They eat ham and potatos by the truck load. It was a nice little evening and then we came home and I fell asleep. Outside of those few things I did play some COD4, watch IRL qualifying, NASCAR, NBA playoffs and an old UFC fight of Chuck Liddell getting his ass kicked by Keith Jardine. Thats it. It was awesome.

Now about the weight loss thing. I did pretty well this weekend minus the church dinner. Sunday night the wife and I made a sweet lemon shrimp pasta thing that was delicious and nutricious. I didnt work out or anything because it rained and I just wasnt awake long enough to do anything about it. I will this week coming up though.

Thats it for now. Peace!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Kucinich stopped by.

Our crew with the Ohio Congressman and former Presidential hopeful. He was very nice and was great on camera. No UFO talk though.

Two Years

WOW! How has it been almost two years to the day since I was last on this thing. I dont even live in the same place anymore. I guess if anyone were to read this they might need an update. I live in Northern Virginia and I work in DC at a news bureau. Thats all you get. Deal.

The real reason I am blogging is that I wanted somewhere to track the progress of my new diet and workout attempt. When I was in VA Beach I lost about 20 pound on the Abs Diet. I moved shortly after that and started working at 330 am which totally FUBAR'ed my time schedule on eating. So I ate all the time and when I wasnt eating I was thinking about it. So i have put on all the weight I lost and added some more for good measure. I am now fluffy and I dont like it.

I came to realize I needed to lose this weight when I went paintballing recently. Now I have been going pretty regularly for about a year now. I own all of my stuff and have gotten fairly good at it. However, the last field I went to played very fast and cause me to run, ALOT, I was out of breath and ready to go home after the first game. Thats sad. Very very sad. So here I am trying to get back in the swing of things and drop 30 pound and keep it off. This is gonna suck.

Now I am attempting to do Mens Healths Ab Diet again. It worked before and I dont fuck with success. The last time I did it I dropped the 20 pounds without really any "workout" I just ate 6 times a day 3 meals 3 snacks high protein and the weight came off. I felt better and blah blah blah. So now we start this again. I actually started 2 days ago and realized I want to track my progress, so this is tracking.

I weighed 230.6 pounds on Tuesday the 6th. I will try not to weigh myself for 2 weeks. It is something I did last time and realized that if at first Im not losing weight I dont want to know about it. This will be hard because I would like to know that something positive is going on but I will try to stay off of the scales.

Now Tuesday I followed the diet pretty spot on. However, my time frame gets a bit screwy because I want to eat dinner with Laura and I should only be having a snack at that time. But the wife has been informed that I will be having my dinner before she gets home and we will sit and she can have dinner and ill eat yogurt or some shit.

Yesterday the eating went pretty much as it should. I was a little late on dinner because I passed out on the couch after a long day at work. However, I was able to rally and Laura and I went on a nice walk around the lake in the neighborhood. So yay I exercised and ate well. Hooray.

Today I plan on eating well and so far so good. Its almost time for my snack, strawberries and hopefully that will hold me until I can eat something real. I have a kickball game tonite and the weather looks like shyt but hopefully I can work something else into today.

Alright I think that is it for my first post in 2 years. I really dont expect anyone to even check this thing but if you do leave a note and say whats up.