Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Monster Mash

Whats the dilly yo? Its soon fall (atleast here in VA) and that means it is the Saltykrackers favorite time of year. Football as started and my beloved Redskins are 2-0, don't expect that to last to long but they beat the Cowboys and really thats all that matters right now. Plus UVA is undefeated and Notre Dame doesnt suck this year. Second my wife got a job and that means more money for me to spend on shit I dont need. But probably the best thing about this time of year is Halloween. Im ready for wall to wall episodes of bad horror movies. First of all Id like to let everyone know that Return of the Living Dead 4 & 5 which were supposed to be released in the theaters are not and are being shown back to back on the Sci-Fi Channel on Oct 15th. Go check em out. With that being said I went in search of some classic horror movies and some new cheesy ones at the video store. First things first Blockbuster has the WORST selection of horror movies ever. So I went to Movie Time down the street where I found Return of the Living Dead 1. Now this is not a true horror movie more of a spoof of George Romeros Night of the Living Dead which is one of my favorite movies and series. Anyway its a good movie and I rented it. I also rented Jack Frost 2. This is not the sequel to the Michael Keaton as a snowman movie, this is part 2 of what is becoming a cult classic movie about a serial killing mutant snowman. CLASSIC! Part 2 was more of a comedy but i highly recommend it. Plus where else are you doing to see a snowman give birth to killer snowballs. So i hope everyone take some time this fall to check out a few good "bad" horror movies or the real classics like the Halloween series (not 3) The Living Dead series (if Land of the Dead is still in a theatre near you check it out) April Fools Day and the Evil Dead series. Also see if your cable provider has the Horror Channel, its a new channel that is strictly for horror fans, if you dont get it their is a petition on the webpage for you to get it.

So peace out and get into the spirit that is Halloween
(Unless of course you are one of those religious types that think its the devils night, then go lock yourself in your house with your bible and pray for the rest of our souls or whatever it is you types like do when complaining about others having fun.)

The Salty One

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Beautiful Day

Im back bitches!!! But I dont know for how long, actually I haven't left and as of right now I dont know if Im going anywhere. However, I am going to volunteer to go help our sister station in New Orleans, WWL. The station is gone, as is about 80% of the employees homes and last I heard they still hadnt spoken to some people who work there. I havent gone yet because Ive had family obligations to take care of, but I def want to go down there and help out and let some of the people down there get a break and try to get things back to normal.

Anyway thats not why Beautiful Day was picked as the topic of the blog. Its the first day of the new football season and Ive actually got all 3 of my fantasy teams in order. The Saltykrackers are ready to suck ass in all 3.

I should apologize for the long delay in blogs Ive been busy finishing up things around the apartment. Who knew that 100 more square feet wouldnt be enough for all the stuff that fit in the old apartment. We had a mad dash to finish it up as a bunch of my college buddies came down for labor day at the beach. The water was to dangerous to get in so we sat around and 4 of us killed 2 cases of beer and had a number of other adult beverages. It was great times. This weekend I head to the Outer Banks of NC to hang with my parents and then it wil probably be off to the N.O.

So anyway I think i have to go and finally do my damn story for the day. So good luck and be safe Ash and B-Rock and everyone else who is helping out and doing things in the Gulf Coast. Oh yeah everyone keep my uncle in your thoughts he is a search and rescue EMT from Richmond who has been sent down specifically for recovery which means no rescue just dead bodies, I cant imagine what he is going through and I hope he can deal with what lays before him. (Sorry about throwing that in there its just something I was thinking out loud in silence on a computer)

Peace Out Peeps,


Hail to the Redskins
Hail Victory
Hail to the Redskins
Fight for Ol' DC